Physical Fitness is the Actual Wealth of Life

By Ankita Meher


Physical fitness is my wealth which can also be termed as global health, as one positive mind can change many in the same way one physical mind can change many towards the common goal of self-reliance India. Many global leaders came together to promote initiatives not only for a sustainable environment but also for promoting good health by providing good medical facilities and maintaining proper nutritious health and if we want to know about global wealth it defined how large the economy is? But also says how people can contribute to the national economy. This can be only achieved by people support and humankind and also by proper implementation of all initiatives made by the government of India but when we divide the word what can it be?

Global is the word that says about everything’s but when we talk about only wealth it just says about how people can make their capitals and earnings which simply reflects wealth can’t create health. This can be simply explained by an example no matter how much a country earns if their people don’t have proper health the country can’t be said progressed if a person is sick will he be able to contribute to nation wealth? Of course, not but health can create wealth. Two more examples postulating the truth that I watched on TV of that one pro gymnast who was still performing at the age of 90 years that reflect how flexible she is and one more example is one lady from Punjab she started her athletics career at the age of 93, and she has won many medals before turning 103 which reflects age is no limit in anything even in fitness only one has to gain it. To create wealth and health people should themselves engaged in various a good deal of health promotion activities that will not only help to develop the country but also create a healthy mind to work and achieved more.

Everyone is known with the term of Physical fitness as I stated earlier, state of being healthy and more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations, and daily life activities but few not feel like implementing them. They feel like work is important than health, but they don’t know their carelessness will make them suffer more. Now-a-days in this pandemic situation, people should focus on their health and build immune power within them as work can’t give them proper fitness and health which can only be achieved by self yoga practicing and exercising and by maintaining a proper diet, as it is said to eat an apple a day keeps the doctor away. After exercising we should have a fruit/vegetable juice and this nutrition and immune power will keep you, doctor, away rather than going for gym training as self practicing makes us more flexible than depending on machines and equipment in the gym to make us exercise.

Why are youngsters said to be building blocks of our country? Because they are creative, they are innovative not only by their ideas but also by creating such an atmosphere of healthy wealth. We often see children exercising and playing that not only build up their bones but also increase their immune power to achieve more, and I am also one within them.

News channels, media reporters which keep us update around the moving world but these-days whenever I turn on the news channels I just get to know one news and that is of COVID-19 total patients, new cases, and total recovery but no one knows COVID-19 medicine is only self-cautiousness and self-awareness by following every instruction for COVID-19 like wearing marks and gloves, maintaining social distancing and washing hands by doing this they will be cured forever but I can’t see people maintaining such and that will not cure them but will increase the number of sicknesses. This will not create health unless and until people do not feel that they need to awaken and create themselves as an immune tool to fight for COVID-19 and when people will be able to take such measures to protect themselves on their own then the country will able to achieve every goal they aimed for. Just people have to follow the steps given for their safety. Here Government is ready to help people only one should be ready to support them.

This pandemic situation has made us learn many things at a critical time, many were inspired many came together all NGOs, doctors, nurses, and most importantly the support of the true family by saying “together we will win”.

 Before a sculpture it remains soil, it depends upon the person how to shape it. A real artist is the one who makes use of available source and gives it another form of art and it’s not just we as a member.

 All are moving through tough conditions many lost their jobs and those who have a big family and with one earner person really, can’t move back to quit their jobs for the family. Many live far away from the family can’t come back to their hometowns and in this situation, the people of their neighborhood are their family likewise we form one community by getting connected to this world digitally.

 Not all days are equal somewhere of joy somewhere of sadness but something which cannot turn away is our faith for them who have a hope of new good day beginning, hope for the one who wants to give their potential truly and such people who desire for change remain hardworking always forms the history of humankind.

 It’s full of tales of how someone stood up for what they believed in, worked hard to form their dreams come true. It will not define how many were men’s and how many were women but as it led to unity as well coming all together for an event no of activists, intellectuals, and organizers from which it gave a new form of understanding within all and so what the books will be always free to define them and this can be only achieved by Global health which can be termed as Physical Fitness.


                                                                       Authored by

                                                                                        Ankita Meher


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