National Pets Day-April 11

Archana Uday


All forms of lives are acquainted with anxiety, depression, betrayal, fear, love, and the list goes on…….whereas pets are always an exception from this list as they are the only ones capable of returning everything provided by their owners in the form of love. They have a great knowledge of love and loyalty but are illiterates when it comes to disloyalty. They teach us the exact meaning of love.

As a part of honoring the incomparable love of pets, April 11 is observed as National Pets Day. It was the animal welfare advocate and lifestyle expert, Mrs. Colleen Paige, who declared April 11 as National Pets Day in 2006.

Cats and Dogs are the highly preferred pets across the globe. The other common pets are rabbits, birds, guinea pigs, fish, and so on. As of 2018, there were 470 million pet dogs followed by 380 million pet cats and 142 million pet fishes all over the world.


Most adult cats love to cuddle besides their owners, whilst kittens have no such habits. Kittens are more likely to play. They normally get an itchy foot to run at their high speed, climb tall trees or any other tall places, and at last after realizing they can’t get down all alone, meow for someone’s help to get them down. This habit is a blessing in disguise for kittens because experiences can make them much smarter without their mother’s guidance.

A smart and tricky predator, who loves to be clean and contrastingly, hates water. Though they are carnivorous mammals by nature, dairy products are added to their list of favorite food. Cats prefer mice as their prey. They are taken on ships to kill the mice that damage the ship. Cats were considered to be sacred in Egypt. They are reckoned to have domesticated more than 4000 years ago. Cats show wild characteristics and instincts even after being domesticated. This is because they belong to the FELIDAE family (cat family) and they are the only ones domesticated in that family. The Felidae comprises cats and other wild animals such as tigers, jaguars, cheetahs, lions, leopards, etc. Cats have a better night vision and hearing ability of sounds from low to high frequency. They are capable of maintaining a rodent-free or insect-free house.

Spending time with them and getting new toys like strings, balls, etc might entertain them or can keep them busy. They have the habit of sharpening their nails by scratching on rough materials. They can show us their love in various ways like cuddling beside us, wanting our pat, going around our legs, and many more. We can also understand their feelings by just looking at their resting or sleeping posture. A terrified or frightened cat tries to hide itself all day in a box. The most vulnerable part of a cat is its belly. But when you see your cat sleeping in a belly-up position, it means that it feels your home safe and trusts you so much that even its most vulnerable part can be exposed. The curled-up position is to keep them warm. They often exhibit several strange behaviors.


These creatures are the only faithful ones who always fail in disappointing their owners. Not only pet dogs but street dogs can prove to be loving and faithful. One sincere and kind act for them from our side can make them provide us their ownership. Dogs are the epitome of obedience, love, loyalty, and much more that can take a human soul in high spirits. And that is the reason for their reference as ‘Man’s best friend’. Therefore it is not important to get them from shops. People wanting certain breeds are buying dogs from shops. Some people pet them for companionship, some for providing a home for the injured and abandoned ones, and some for security. Winning a dog’s heart is not as tough as in the case of a cat.

Training brings the best out of them. Their keen sense of smell for which they are known has helped the police and the military worldwide to gather clues about an accused, to locate exploding materials, and so on. Pets can recognize their owners without even looking at them, but by just sniffing.

Some of the human foods and raw meat are consumable for dogs. They show us their cascading love in numerous ways like waving their tail, placing their paws on our shoulders, standing on two legs, and much more.

Dogs are the descendants or were derived from an ancient, extinct wolf. They hold a record for being the first creature to be domesticated 15,000 years ago. They played a vital role in hunting and guarding in ancient times.

Their thirst for love has always persuaded many to pet them.


It is not strange that even fishes can adapt not only to new environments but also to new people. It was reported by a scientist that most fishes can recognize their owners as any other pet can do. The most required element for a fish tank is cleanliness and a nature-friendly environment.  It is necessary to keep changing its water after certain periods. Ignoring to do this can kill the fishes.


National pets’ day is celebrated in many countries. Pets are our disguised true friends and we can trust them more than anyone else in this wide world. Kids can hardly contain their excitement when they are gifted with pets rather than toys.



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                                                                                 Archana Uday


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