Bermuda Triangle and Its Mystery


Bermuda triangle is one of the mysterious places in the world mostly we all know it because it is the mysterious place in the ocean it is also known as the devil’s is located I the ocean part of northern Atlantic Ocean. Devil triangle have lots of mystery even that mystery is held to some famous person such as Christopher Columbus he had a every mystery’s adventure at Bermuda triangle area are many mysteries in Bermuda triangle but there are few important incidents in Bermuda triangle but there are more that 1000 inciedents of mystery held in the Bermuda triangle area.Bermuda triangle is a place where it connects 3 places which are Bermuda, Puerto Ricco, Florida is the Bermuda triangle the first important incident in Bermuda triangle is the Carrolle Deering in 1921 a ship from barbodas started to sail its destination is the Virginia this journey takes 3 weeks but even after a year also the ship didn’t reach the Virginia [ the destination ] so the rescue team is starting the search mission for the ship after searching for sometime they got some evidences some people said when they went on through the sail ship they saw the ship and the people in the ship were shouting help and help but they said they won’t know much more but after along time a person came and said he got a bottle message in the sea side they it is written “ in the middle sea a pirate ship came onto the ship they all fought with us so the ship is sinked ” police have collected that evidence they gave it to the handwriting finder they said it is the handwriting of the person who gave the evidence so the police thrown him into the jail after that they won’t get any evidences so they closed the case. The 2nd incident Christopher Columbus before finding the America while travelling in the ship Christopher Columbus saw the fire balls from the sky crashed into the sea and he also saw the fireballs in the surface of the sea the 3rd incident is the Flight 19 the flight 19 is the training flight which is disappeared at December 5 1945 while over Atlantic ocean with them even an expert who got experienced for a long time so if there is even a strom he can handle It out is even there even after a long time of rescue search they won’t find the flight but they found some evidence broken parts of flight and a message in a bottle in that it is written “suddenly a alien spaceship came in front of us and they broken the flight” it is written in that and the experienced person wrote it out . the 4th incident is the Connemara 1V
A pleasure yacht was found adrift in the Atlantic south of Bermuda on September 26, 1955 it is usually stated in the stories the people who found the yatch saw the crew might have been took by the sea and the yatch is only found these are some major incident held in the Bermuda triangle these were very famous because of the American magazine ( Fate magazine ) .they increased some mystery about the mystery held In the Bermuda triangle area so people all around the world know about it and its mystery fate magazine published the article sea mystery at our backdoor this is a small article written by article his small article let the world to know about Bermuda triangle area ( area covering Puerto match and Florida ) RESON FOR THE CAUSE OF MYSTERY number 1 alien people around the area the Bermuda triangle says that the alien is the most important reason for mystery held in Bermuda triangle the but the scientists actually don’t accept to this theory they say this is not acceptable according to experts methane bubbles are abundant in the area of Bermuda triangle area so why many ships and aircrafts drowned in that area but people of that area don’t accept this theory they said how come a small bubbles drown a ship if it so how come it drown even a aircraft Scientist said that these bubbles are like a lava bubbles when that bubbles start breaking it have power even to drown a ship and when its power is at highest position it can also drown a aircraft however after seeing this solution to the mystery of the Bermuda triangle if people accept a theory scientist are not accepting and if scientist are accepting people are not accepting that theory so the mystery of the many mystery didn’t get solved so the mystery of Bermuda triangle remains on the earth.






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