
Simrat Bhati


What is Zionism? Who are Jewish people? What is Israeli-Paleistine Conflict ? What is the religion of Jewish people? All this question always trouble us. So let’s have a thorough understanding of all these questions.

Zionism is a national movement which had a strong view to create an independent and sovereign state for the Jewish people. According to theological beliefs of Jewish people, they can’t create their own land unless there Messiah comes to lead them. But a man named Theodor Herzl formed World Zionist Congress in 1897 at Basel, Switzerland. He was a pioneer of formation of independent Jewish state.

Who are Jewish People?
The religion of Jewish people is called as Judaism. Jews preach a common God called as Abraham. Just like Islam and Christianity they believe in one god. It is believed that god revealed himself to Abraham, Moses( Rabbenu Moshe) and Prophet Hebrew— they are considered as three prophets to which god gave his sermons. The religion of Jews began 3000 years ago and currently 14.6 million people following the same theological beliefs. There holiest text is Hebrew Bible— it contains the teaching of Hebrew people(lived in the region of current Palestine and Israel).

Background of Zionism
It was very tough for the Jews to live in Europe during early 19 century due to anti-Semitic activities (hostile behaviour towards Jews people). As a result many people wanted a separate state for themselves. After searching possibilities Alaska and Uganda was explored but Palestine was at favourable mode. It was assumed the land doesn’t have people and the notion “A land without people for people without land” became well profound. But the problem was Palestine was not landless. Large number of Arabs, Muslim and Christian along with small population of Jews were living there.

After Holocaust—mass killing of European Jews by German occupied Europe and Nazi bodies between 1941-1945. Large number of Jews were killed in evacuation chambers, burning them alive without any mercy. There worshipping place, synagogue was destroyed. They were prohibited from attending European institutions and schools. Nazi Germany controlled by Adolf Hitler had immense hatred for Jews, the reason for this hatred remains vauge. Subsequently many states backed idea of Jewish state in Palestine. In 20 century the European Jewish steadily moved in Palestine but after holocaust incident there was mass upsurge in the following migration.
A UN resolution suggested for separate state for Arab and Jewish people. But Israel declared independence in 1948, recognised by US president Harry Truman. Israel emerged as independent country.After declaring independency Israel annexed many parts of Palestine. Israeli military occupies many of the Palestinians locations. The conflict dates back to the period when Jews migrated from Europe to Palestine, where people lived with happiness and peace. The Jews not only established independent Israel but captured much of Palestine due to which clashes are often seen in daily news.

Several key agreement are signed between both the parties but truce is not successful and many military activities are still carried out. It makes the region among most violent areas. Let’s hope some day the dispute would settle and people could leave with peace and harmony.



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