Crime Against Women

By Kanika Singh


The force committed against women mostly by men takes various forms – sexual assault, molestation, marital abuse, or naturally household abuse. Whatever be the shape and extent, it is punishable crime. However, owing to the country’s cooked and lagging judiciary system, often such crimes go unaddressed. The rates of violence against women keep increasing.

The number of crimes committed against women in India keeps rising every year.

      “ Rapists are nothing just animals “

The crimes against women in In India are continuously increasing. Mostly these crimes result in lifelong trauma or death. Deaths of girls for dowry are one such example of a crime committed against Indian women. According to the old age tradition, the bride’s family is supposed to reward the groom with a considerable sum of money, this is the concept of dowry.

Dowry stand for:

D: Donkeys

O: of the first order

W: who can’t stand on their own feet

R: rely on their wives riches

Y: yet shameless “

In rural areas, peoples are really poor. So, the bride usually belonging to a poor household and unable to meet the groom’s high demand for the dowry money. They fail to fulfill and pay the amount the groom asks for. In such cases, often the bride falls victim to verbal and physical abuse regularly by grooms and also repeated that “take some money from your father’s home “ The woman is beaten, abused, and regularly molested for her family’s incapability to fulfill the dowry. So, dowry deaths cases are mostly seen

By writing these lines I remember a poem from my class 6th civics book

                               A DAUGHTER’S WISH

Father inherited our house from his father,

And everyone says he will leave it to brother,

But what about me and my mother?

To expect a share in my father’s home,

Is not very womanly, I am told

But I want a place of own,

Not dowry of silk and gold.

This poem is heart touching and emotional

“Accepted her with love. An educated bride is a lot better than a lakh currency “  

                    “ STOP DOWRY “ 

                “ HANG THERAPISTS “ 

Rapes and nonconsensual sexual activities form a large portion of violence committed against Indian women. Rape is typically the sexual intercourse carried on with the woman without her consent. As of everyday newspaper, We see many rape cases and crimes committed against women. It is indeed true that women are now becoming more aware and open about the topic of rape, they are opening us to their own stories of sexual assault, etc. However, the numbers in India keep rising. The perpetrators often go unpunished.

           “RESPECT FEMALES “

As we know, a crime against women is widely increasing So, the safety of women in India inside has become an important task.

Not a day goes by where you don’t hear of the news of a crime against women like sexual harassment, dowry deaths, molestation, and many others. There are at least five news articles that tell us about the horrific details of various crimes. It is extremely painful to watch the status of women’s safety in India, especially in a country where women are given the status of goddesses.

Acid attack is also to be done with girls. If they are not agreed on anything. They are pushed to do or otherwise, they are threatened with acid attack. After some mishappening, there is a big fault of the girl’s family. Their family stop girls for protest against those who threatened girls.

Even, sometimes The family kills their daughters in the name of honor to keep up with the reputation of their family.

Thus list continues as a crime against women is on the rise.

Although the list of crimes is increasing, we can take measures to ensure women’s safety in our country. Firstly, the government must make stringent laws that ensure the punishment of criminals.

They must consider women as equal so they don’t think of harming them. we must ask men to change their thinking and work to make the world a safer place for women.

                                       STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN

By Kanika Singh


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