There are a lot of different languages like Hindi ,Telugu, Bengali, Marathi, Gujarati and many more. India is divided into different states based on languages and culture .It is a country of diverse culture.But what exactly are languages and what purpose do they serve in our lives? Languages connect humans.It is the mode through which humans communicate with each other. But we humans have a tendency to compare everything. Right? So the next question that arises is: which is the best language in the world? Before answering this question let’s find out what exactly are languages. Languages according to a lot of people are words through which people talk. Right? But the true meaning of any language is something through which you can convey your message just the way it has to be conveyed. You speak from the heart and the listener listens through his heart. This is what language actually is and this is the purpose it serves. The purpose of language is to only serve the exact emotions of the conveyer to the listener no matter how!
Let us now find the answer to the question mentioned above: Which is the best language in the world?The best language in the world is love.Love is the language which the blind can see ,the deaf can hear and the dumb can speak.Love is spoken from the heart and therefore it is the purest language ever!Love is like an ocean flowing inside you and the only way to see this ‘pure water’ running through you is language. Now, the word communicate does not necessarily mean verbal speech.An infant who cannot speak any particular language is not only extremely dear to his mother but he also longs for her presence.They both long for each other.How would you define?Can we call this French or Spanish or is this the language called love.Love has no barriers or restrictions.Love is like an invisible string which connects individuals.The only thing we need to take care is to not confine this language to a few. We need to spread love and happiness among people.We have only one world and we are all humans. We are no strangers. This language needs to spread it’s fragrance a lot farther than it currently is. Remember all the times when you felt broken, frustrated, devastated and felt like there was nothing left. We heal from such situations because of this language: love. We are helped through these tough times by a stranger or sometimes even our enemies. These people are the carriers of love. These are the people who have boosted up people’s belief for love when they felt it no more exists. They have kept the spirit of love and kindness and most importantly humanity alive. Not only humans but studies have shown that even animals also shower the fragrance of love towards their owner. According to a survey conducted in the year 2014 ninety seven percent doctors believe that there are health benefits of owning a pet. Results also show that seventy five percent of doctors said patient’s health improved as a result of getting a pet.69% doctors work with animals in a hospital, medical centre or medical practice to assist therapy or treatment .They reported that interactions with animals improved patient’s physical condition (88%),mental health (97%),mood or outlook (98%) and relationship with staff members 76%.Seventy four percent physicians said they saw one or more of their patients overall health improve due to pets and eighty seven percent said their patient’s mood or outlook .We humans tackle a lot of problems: physical, mental and even emotional.An average human being has so many problems: employment, financial opportunities, betrayal by a family member ,health crisis etc. During such situations it is the responsibility of a fellow human being to help him gain confidence, give him a purpose and help him stand up. All these things will happen only if your love is true and pure. Always remember you need someone the most when you are suffering through tough times and similarly someone suffering through tough times needs you the most just like you needed them. We have problems but we have solutions at the same time. Be someone’s solution.

During this lockdown many of your friends might have lost jobs, or might not have even a roti to eat .Go out to them. Hear them. Spread love. The 7.8 billion people in the world need you and reveal it or not you need them too .Be someone’s soul to rely on. We have only one world and we need to heal it.Not by medicines but through this language of love ,pure love. Love is the language through which we need to communicate with every one. We need to spread it’s fragrance everywhere, beyond the stars ,into the ocean and even deep into the black hole.




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