The Most Famous Bengal Tiger


‘The famous Bengal tiger’ pride of our nation. It is known for it vigorousness, elegant and fearless attitude. Bengal tiger is also called  the Indian Tiger, it is the national animal of India as we all know. It’s scientific name is Panthera Tigris Tigris. It is a carnivore and it’s favourite food is deer . It is orange-black stripped which helps it to camouflage in the woods.It lives in the mangrove forests and it a amazing fact that it is the only cat which lives in the mangroves.They are largely found in India and also in Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh and China but in smaller numbers.It is threatened by poaching , fragmentation of habitat ( Decrease in natural habitat) this is the main reason for the extinction of these beautiful creatures . Moreover they are among most threatened species considered in the world.The International Union for Conservation(IUCN)of Nature Red List of Threatened Species , it is stated that tiger has been put into the red list which means it is an animal which very close to extinction.

We should be aware of the importance of this valuable creature and the why is it famous.


 Bengal Tigers are most popular Predators. Bengal Tigers have very strong muscular body, They are most dangerous, way too aggressive by nature and agile among other sub species of the Tigers.They are a very important part of the food web.They also help in controlling populations of herbivore animals, making them a important part of the food web , which indirectly helps to stop excess removal of green lands or deforestation. Bengal tigers were also once regarded as The Royal Bengal Tigers due to their elegant and aggressive attitude and when it walks in the jungle it looks that a king walking with pride and a fearless attitude , but because of there name in the endangered species list this title was taken away from them. The combination of stamina, strength, agility and tremendous power of the majestic tiger makes it the national animal of India. In the Hindu mythology the tiger plays an important role like The Goddess Durga’s which is the goddess of strength and power her ‘vahana’ is the tiger and Shiva is also shown sitting on the tiger’s skin and sometimes wearing the tiger’s skin. There are many tiger reserves in India one such example is The Kali Tiger Reserve. It is also the national animal of Bangladesh , and it’s picture can also be seen in the Bangladeshi currency notes. They are the largest cats in the cat family. There is a famous saying which says ‘ If You Rile The Tiger , It will show you it’s claws. Which means the tiger does not like to be irritated and lives peacefully.


We can also not ignore the rapid decrease in the number of tigers day by day. According to a report done in the year 2020 , there are about 3,900 tigers left in the world. The reason behind this is the poaching , hunting and cutting down of forests at a rapid speed ( Deforestation) . It is done by poachers to obtain tiger parts such as bones, eyes, whiskers and teeth, that are used to treat ailments and diseases from malaria and bad skin etc.The skin is also used for making stylish jackets etc, bones and teeth are used are used for making ornaments and treating diseases.Indirectly we have been a part of this extinction of Bengal tigers , as when we buy things made of these materials, we encourage the poaching of tigers . So as our first step to save these magnificent creatures is to stop buying and promoting the items made from the parts of animals. Our Government of India have taken many actions to stop poaching of these tigers, but we the responsible citizens of India have to take initiatives to stop the extinction of these striped animals.

Last but not the least it, it is very important to save our national animal The Bengal Tiger or The Indian Tiger. As if we do not take actions , we would would be suffering with a great loss and losing a famous and amazing creature. We have to raise awareness among people as the government as has taken many steps and will surely take more in the future. But we the , the humans , citizens of India have to know the grief and loss of losing unspeakable one.It is or duty as for humanity to save them.  Martin Buber once said “An animals eyes have the power to speak a great language”.


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