My Nature My Hobby



“ Earth planet is for our future generation and not a gifted property from our ancestors to misuse it”
In the growing phase of the world and the rising greed of human as a means to upgrade their typical ‘standards’ ; Nature is suffering badly. Steps of precautions need to be taken ; after all, “Prevention is better than cure.” Gardening , planting , afforestation , tree conservation are the hobbies everyone should possess in order to preserve something for the future generation. So do you remember how many trees you have planted? If not much read more.
‘Planting a tree is planting a life.’ There is no specific count to plant but even if 2 billion people out of 7.8 billion people plant each tree on their birthday it will result in 20 billion trees in 10 years, 40 billion trees in 20 years and 120 billion trees in 60 years. Doing this your life will prove useful to the mother earth. If that is not possible, everyone can assume planting a single tree once in a year that will give us 78 billion trees in 10 years. Isn’t it amazing? But planting is just not enough you need to preserve it too! Just some simple maths and such big deal for our planet.
Planting trees can be a pastime for some, for others it may be a daily course, or someone it may be a passion. Following this hobby even to a smaller extent makes a bigger effect. But increasing population & pollution level, deforestation, extinction of species are largely practised nowadays which are endangering our surroundings.
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do the evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”
-Albert Einstein
To protect the nature and its beauty is the need of an hour. Even after acknowledging the demotion of nature, humans are still indulged in unnatural activities. They need someone amongst us to guide them and prepare a road which is to be followed. Jobs like Sustainability management chief, Sustainability manager, Wildlife Conservator, IFS officer, Environmental engineer, Landscape Architect and Urban planner, Environmental pollution management chief, Environmental pollution manager, Environmental Lawyer, Environmental Scientist, Zoologist, Hydrologist, Conservation Scientist and a lot more are the opened gates of career in relation to Nature. Even Simple activist, social reformer is a good vocational option. Since ‘Every cloud has a silver lining’ so do this hobby! Yes, Gardening has now linked with economically productive jobs. Needs are increasing and to satisfy those needs, human population should work out in that manner without harming the nature. Because,
“The Earth can satisfy one’s need but not the endless fallacious greed.”
-Mahatma Gandhi
Still and all we need best of both the worlds, a Nature-friendly surrounding without the threat of untimely death and a developed highly technified society.
If you too want to stop the demolition of our environment exceptional courses like B.Sc in Environmental science, Bachelor in Environmental management, B.E in Environmental Engineering, Diploma, M.A, M.Sc in Environmental science are worth a try. Fields like Forestry, Animal science, conservation affairs, Geoscience, Environmental chemistry, Ecology are also noteworthy.
Centres like University of California, Berkeley; College of Environment, Berkeley; School CEPT University, Ahmadabad, Sinhagad College of Architecture, Pune; Teri University, New Delhi, etc (and the list goes on) are providing such courses. Average median salary of $50,000-$120,000 is earned if you pursue career in this field. Surely an interesting option one should opt! Definately, ‘two marks with one stone.’ Your inner soul with passion & a means to enjoy a better livelihood, both will be satisfied. Won’t it be? You yourself better know the answer.
The story not ends here! Every nook and corner of each field have its own unique relation with nature; whether it be direct or indirect. Your duty is to identify the relation and contribute to smaller or larger extent. Hobbies like gardening, planting, and all related to that helps one to grow the emotion of care for the greenery(nature) and the fellow creatures. Developing this hobby is just not limited to a concerned age but can also chosen as a lifetime opportunity if one is fonder enough to create a better state of environment. Need is the mother of invention. Now is the need for the development which is also nature-friendly. When we all will come together to help this greenery go along with industrial advancement, the strength of unity will let us achieve all that what wouldn’t think off!
To sum up conserving our mother earth should be the dream of every person. To fulfil this dream, constructive measures should be taken. With increasing population what if the number of trees increase too! It will be then heaven on this planet. Hoping the best to occur for the betterment of fellow creatures. Lets collect all the good things from the nature for the nature. Because we cannot prepare future for the earth but surely can prepare the earth for future!

‘The only planet with water blue
Along the creatures & their notion;
Consistent to fight & argue
Like a thirsty fish in salty ocean!
Pollution & its pollutants are
Curse for the Earth & nature
Killing life from near to far
Cheating the generation of future.
Each one plant each a tree
With determination in our brain
To make the planet go green & free
From pollution & acid rain.’ ThankYou!





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