What Is Bermuda Triangle

By Harshita Nayyar


Among all the triangles we know, the king of all is still a mystery. The enigma engulfing the notorious Bermuda triangle can be crowned as the jewel of all the unsolved mysteries on this planet. This mythical region is located in the Southern Eastern part of United States, typically bound by Miami, Puerto Rico and Bermuda Island in the North Atlantic Ocean.
Over the years there have been numerous theories and assumption revolving around the sudden disappearances of ships and flights passing through the triangle’s territory but none could unveil the secret behind it.

In 1964, Vincent H Gaddis came up with the term Bermuda Triangle, in his article where he wrote about the bizarre and weird pattern of disappearances of various shipping vessels, aircrafts and tragedy of hundreds of people losing their lives under mysterious circumstances. However, on digging deep it was found that the first account of such incident was reported in the journal of the sea-explorer, Christopher Columbus back in 1492, where he wrote about the erratic compass reading on touching the unseen boundary between Florida and Puerto Rico. Also he reportedly witnessed the flame of fire crashing into the sea on entering the new world.

Over the years there have been various unfathomable disappearances. Thousands of ships and aircrafts have gone missing in this strange area. On rare occasion the wreckages washed ashore with radars and compasses but more often than not they just completely disappear from the face of earth like they never ever existed. There have been several accounts of such peculiar incidents; some seems to be believable while others appear too far-fetched and spooky to be true.

The infamous incident of US Flight19 is a tale of its own. Here, the squadron commander lieutenant Charles Taylor, on entering the vicinity of this area suddenly lost the frequency with the base without any static loss of signal. It was a complete breakage in the link and the flight faded away in the thin air from above the skies of the devil’s triangle. Even the rescue flights never returned, they vanished in the similar way.

Another such astonishing incident was of US Navy’s beast, the USS Cyclops; biggest fuel ship, which disappeared into the sea with 306 people on board and never reached its final destination. The search operations later disclosed that there was no emergency call made by the caption, no debris, no storms, and no remains of the ship. Needless to say is was the largest loss of lives in history of US Navy in a single incident. Just like it, two other collier ships the USS Proteus and USS Nereus met with the same fate.

The most nerve-wrecking and uncanny was the account of the ship – Ellen Austin falling trap to a ship that was contemplated as a bad omen. On the way to its final destination, the crew of the Ellen Austin came across an abandoned ship with all the amenities intact but nobody onboard. In effort to rescue the ship, some of the members of the Ellen Austin hopped onto it to navigate it to its destination. During the course, the Ellen’s crew lost track of the nameless ship and when they came across it again, the sinister ship was again crewless. That was when Ellen Austin was communicated for a rescue ship. But till the time the rescue ship reached there they had already disappeared, either of the two were not found.
Well this isn’t it, there have been numerous such incidents over the years but reason still remains inexplicable.

As the mystery continues, there are many theories and assumptions attached to Bermuda triangle. Some with scientific accounts while others absolute ostensible myths.

The Sci-fi experts believe that there is a magnetic anomaly, which makes the readings go haywire. Till date no such technology has been created that could defy this strange occurrence.
Some even came up with a theory that Bermuda triangle might have its own biosphere. This region has seen some of the most deadly tornados and cyclones while there were no such weather predictions for the sea. Many lives were lost in such unforeseen natural calamities. For such unheeded incidents nobody could be blamed but the atmosphere. The most plausible yet paradoxical theory is that Bermuda triangle sits on the marshes of methane hydrates. It is scientifically proven that methane reduces the density of water which could lead to sinking of ships but it doesn’t justify the disappearances of aircraft. Also it does not solve the riddle of the crewless ship.

The most widely believed myth associated with this region is the presence of aliens. Apparently people have seen strange lights appearing in the skies, blinking and then suddenly disappearing. Sometimes weird sounds were heard along with spooky chants. Some people have even come with the idea that all the lives lost is the region where the offering to the Satan, who has taken them to his demonic alley of hell, therefore there have been no survivors and hence the name the Devil’s triangle. The Bermuda triangle is said to be the region under which the city of Atlantis is submerged. It is reckoned that in order to avenge the destruction of the city, the battered souls and demons of the Atlantis attacks the ships and aircrafts. As dubious as these theories sound, we may never know of the freaky stuff that has happened in the Bermuda triangle.

In all probability, however no theory has given any contrite explanation to exhibit the mystery, thus the legend of the Bermuda triangle consist of various incidents, mostly remaining clueless still. Honestly, it is totally unto us whether we want to believe these supposed theories or keep waiting for better explanations.


By Harshita Nayyar, New Delhi


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