
Gen Z or Generation Z; specifically indicates the generation those born between the 1990s and early 2010. This batch is entering the society and as an employee to the workforce with a clear and out of the box perspective on how they perceive the ‘Successful’ label. Gen Z’s do not mould their life or future just around the financial wealth or conventional career goals. Unlike the previous generation, they are carefree and bold decision makers in every field in which they are currently in. This generation is more focused on personal fulfilment, moreover, they classify a more holistic approach impact on their social standing and also maintain their work-life balance. There are some prime ways Gen Z is reinventing what it means to be successful. 

Prioritize Work-Life Balance 

Generation Z is preferred to grab remote work opportunities. They are happier to take flexible work systems, and the jobs which allows them to pursue their hobby or other interests. The generation often preferred a smooth and relaxed working environment over high-paying employment. According to Deloitte,  51% of Generation Z choose a favourable work-life balance as their utmost priority while they select their working organization. After covid outbreak companies like Google and Microsoft have modified their working schedule and allow their employees to work. These types of decisions have enticed the talents of this Generation Z to grab. 

Plunge in Personal Well-Being and Mental Health

In this modern day, Gen Z is more focused and prioritized on their mental health. Compared to the previous generation, this generation are more on converse about one’s mental health issues and pursue help if needed. A survey shows that around 84% of adults of Generation Z undergo immense mental stress. Hence, they prioritize workplaces where mental stress is taken earnestly as well as promote a healthy work environment for the employees. Companies like MAVS, Starbucks, IBM, Squarespace have initiated benefits on mental health, wellness programmes, free of cost therapy sessions to bolster the company’s presence by their employees. 

Social Impact

Social issues like economic disparity, Inflation, climate change, racial hatred, War; these manage to inflict scars on the minds of this Generation Z. They carry themselves in the society in a way or want their work to provide something in the society positively. The companies that are very much aligned with their values attract this generation. Tentree is known for their sustainable practice which has ensured a loyal customer base among Gen Z on their side. This generation appreciates the company’s ethical commitment to the world. Based on a report by Forbes, 73% of Gen Z customers will pay an extra amount for buying sustainable products. 

Pioneering Spirit  

Gen Z is known for creating their own way to a successful life rather than imitating the traditional career choices. They are innovative as well as ambitious. According to recent research by Forbes, 84% of Gen Z want to have their own business somewhere in the future while 80% of them have already launched their online business. For example, Jonas Tressel, founder of Glacier- an ingenious and integrated software onus that comes to the help for real estate professionals to organize their day-to-day work. 

Tech Savvy

Gen Zs are efficient in using social platforms to market their brands and businesses digitally. As they all grew up with technologies, it became easy for them to achieve their personal milestone by leveraging social media or any digital platform. Social media influencers like Wisdom Kaye is a sustainability king and have turned the online forum with his thrift and uniquely clothing combinations. “The best dressed guy on TikTok” has worked with fashion tycoon companies such as Dior, Gucci and Coach and redefined success through digital ventures.  

Improvement on Skill and Learning 

In this modern time, skill development is a necessary step to stay relevant among others. Gen Zs are very eager and value the upgradation of knowledge and personal development. The people of Gen Z are seeking training and auxiliary education to stay afloat in this volatile job market. Research indicates that 76% of Gen Z considers that learning is the central part to achieve a prosperous career. Thinkific, Coursera, Udemy and others are significantly used online learning platforms by Generation Z for acquiring new and important knowledge. 

Diversity in workplaces

A diversified and inclusive workplace always brings better work and social harmony from their employees. For Gen Z’s, in the current time diversity in workplaces is non-negotiable for them. They always look forward to welcoming representatives from different socio-cultural backgrounds in their respective organizations. Before joining a company, Gen Z’s tend to check if that company is committed to considering diversity and inclusion; the percentage of these candidates is 83%. Organizations like IBM, Kaiser Permanente, Salesforce, Novartis and others have initiated the drive to hire people of colour, Balancing the gender equality in the workplace by giving employment to women; by these inclusion and diversity programmes companies are attracting Gen Z’ and retaining their talents. 

Originality and Translucency

Generation Z are more straightforward when it comes to transparency and authenticity in personal and professional life alike. They tend to be honest and open minded when it comes to supporting any company or brand. They lean more on the companies which are transparent about their practices. For example, companies like Fitbit, a smart watch manufacturing company collects its user’s health and behavioural data. However, the company made a clear statement on being transparent of their policy where big tech and social media giants like Facebook, Uber have failed to manage and misplaced their User’s personal data. Hence, Fitbit’s transparency with the consumer helps to gain a huge amount of Gen Z following. 


Gen Z is reshaping success contemporary time as they prefer work-life balance, mental wellness; also believe in making an impact in the community they live in. They would rather have a collective and communal environment in workplaces. They uphold diversity, transparency and thrive for financial independence.

This generation learns new skills, muster new technologies and by leveraging their talents, they create convenience for the future. They break new ground and bring leading edge theories, technologies that will shape the future for the greater good. Hence, by understanding them and embracing the perspective of this generation the stalwarts, the tycoons of big organizations or of the society should support them so that they achieve something new for the betterment of mankind.

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