Have you ever felt –FOMO

    FOMO-Fear of missing out

FOMO? Do you know what this word means, If yes then you can trust me with this article, It is written for you.

If you don’t know what FOMO means then this article would let you know something regarding yourself which is truly important.

The word FOMO was first used in 2004 and later this word was added to the dictionary. FOMO, as the word implies is the fear of missing something that other people are doing, which we don’t want to do but we are anxious and have this fear of missing something important if we say no.

FOMO is not a serious issue until we know what this has to do with our lives and how we are unknowingly dealing with this.

At present, every person on social media who shares stuff and scroll social media for many different purposes will always go through FOMO.

Let me brief you on the case,

If we randomly scroll social media and find pictures of our classmates/colleagues partying in a group. Maybe a minute later realize we have this feeling that we have missed something joyful or like why they dint include us in the party. Oh my god! Imagine If you are an overthinker then you end up feeling something is wrong with you and start comparing everything in your life to theirs or maybe hate yourself too.

Even watching a new web series just because everyone else has watched it, In this way, we feel like we would miss something if we dint watch that series overnight.

What is FOMO(Fear of Missing Out): How To Overcome It?

In this wise, a fear always builds in us when we are around a lot of people and if they discuss various topics and we did not know any of those topics then we start feeling conscious and end up being awkward. Even feeling overwhelmed can be addressed under FOMO.

First and foremost as I mentioned FOMO is based on how we decide things for ourselves. Most of the people in this so-called fast-growing generation want to do everything quickly and as simple as two-minutes Maggi and when reality strikes, we realize that we can only focus on one thing at a time.

Also, we should know that success is a long process, not an overnight affair. so, instead of taking many opportunities and not focusing on anything, we can take up one opportunity where we can focus and persist ourselves but never give up.

What Does FOMO Mean and How Do I Deal With It?

 FOMO has never been so discussed as this has not created any problem until 2020. After 2020 we were more available on social media and connected to a lot of people online which started developing this fear of missing out on everything that other people were doing.

Actually what we missed was noticing our capability and our dreams that have nothing to do with what other people think. In all these days we just missed on ourselves and started to meet everyone else’s expectations.

we started complaining that everything is falling apart. yes, it is, because we are just building our imagination that whoever we see is happy and ends up feeling left out. so just stop trying to get influenced by people and content that is complex for us.

Whenever we make things complicated for ourselves just to make sure we do not miss every opportunity that hits the ground, then let me tell you that it is impossible to multitask things and we will be procrastinating things later getting unfocused in life, and finally end up getting depressed, then you may need to find Dr.Jahangir khan(Dear Zindagi) one for yourself.

What Does FOMO Mean and How to Use it? - All Things How

FOMO can extremely be affected if we are always trying to multitask and trying to prove ourselves to everyone in the world and end up having depression. There are many ways we can get out of FOMO, quitting social media is a way too bigger problem. so, instead of quitting why don’t we just understand that whatever they post on social media is just the highlights of the day. we neither see their routine nor their boring life.

So instead of doing many things that we take up to impress everyone else and fail to do. Let’s make that one move that inspires us and make us love ourselves. We should stop making our lives too complicated by taking every opportunity that comes our way and instead choose the one that’s best for us.

FOMO can be overcome by taking self-care and most importantly being self-sufficient. Also, know that FOMO is very natural and can happen to anyone. If we start being honest with ourselves and decide things quickly about what we love instead of leaving these things to stay in our brain for too long, then it helps us to stress less and make our life uncomplicated.

These three ways may help to get you out of FOMO,

  • Autonomy: The need to be self-sufficient.

  • Competence: The desire to excel at something.

  • Relatedness: The need to belong and be connected with others.

  • Two Funny Emojis Showing the Difference between FOMO and JOMO. JOMO Means Joy of Missing Out. FOMO Means Fear of Missing Out. Stock Illustration - Illustration of influence, media: 177773891

Once we are out of FOMO then, we are good at our job, happy with our self and start to love ourselves. All these small details further add up so much value to our life.

Also when we start minding our own business then we can see drastic changes in our lifestyle and we embrace JOMO-Joy of missing out ie;(happily saying no to those things that have nothing to do with us).

All this is very important Because YOLO:)




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