10 Easiest Ways to Manage Stress in Our Life

By Chandarkant Goyal


Stress is defined as a state of mental health. Stress is a feeling of being emotional or physical disturbed. It can come from any bad experience, abuse, isolation, illness, loss of job, death, accident etc. Stress results in frustration, nervous breakdown, anger, sleeplessness or insomnia. It is very important to manage stress in our day to day life. One should focus on work life balance. Everyone is very busy in their life that they are not giving importance to mental health. Stress results in high blood pressure, diabetes, heart diseases etc. so it is very important to manage stress.

The effective ways to manage stress in our life are:

  1. Online Learning

Learning is continuous process. One should learn online –advance excel, accounting, import export courses and other valuable courses. It will improve your learning skills and on will feel busy and stress free. One can learn new foreign languages also like French, Spanish, Arabic etc. it also will benefit in adding in one’s resume  while seeking jobs in MNC’s.

  1. Reading Books

“Books are our true friends”. It is very easy and interesting way to manage stress. One should develop habit of reading books. It will develop the interest and increase your knowledge. One can read books in any language. It will not only improve knowledge but will enhance thinking ability, concentration power, widen perception and reduce stress and anxiety. Now a days, there are many online platforms where e books or magazines are available for free. One can get access and read books online also.

  1. Focusing on Physical Fitness

Health is real wealth. A person is said to be healthy if he is socially, mentally and physically well being. One should focus on maintain physical health.  The best way to maintain health is going for morning walk, aerobics, exercise, swimming, playing outdoor games such as football, badminton, cricket etc. it will help to overcome with negative thoughts, stress and increase energy level. Keeping body physically fit not only makes immunity strong but also will develop confidence level

 4. Gardening

Gardening is growing small plants in your balcony or terrace. One should develop it as a hobby. Gardening will help in decorating house and one will be busy in his life. It will make one closer to nature and bring positivity .there are many effective ways to grow plants. There are many medical plants like holy basil, ginger, fenugreek etc which one can grow. Also, one should walk bare foot on green grass every morning. It makes one relax and stress free.

5. Art and craft:

Art and craft is a great way to keep you busy, develop hidden artistic skill. There are wide number of arts in form of coloring, painting, paper craft, craft from waste. Doing so, it will bring unique and innovative ideas from you and one will feel happy and relaxed. It will also enhance your creativity skills. There are many online painting competitions which one can participate.

6. Invest time on yourself

It is very important to invest time on oneself. Investing time means giving time for self improvement, relaxation, going for picnic, going for long drive, having spa , massage etc.  Imagine, one having oil head massage, will give him abundance of satisfaction and relaxation. So, one should invest his time on himself rather than always thinking of work, studies, family or society.  It will result in better productivity, enhanced self esteem and relax from day to day stress.

7. Cooking

Cooking food is another easy way to reduce stress. One can cook food for himself for friends or family to keep calm and stress free. Cook the food way you want-spicy, non spicy, Italian, Chinese, north Indian or south Indian. Cooking food of your choice will diversify risk to different direction and one will feel happy and relaxed.

8. Entertainment

Entertainment is best way to get relief from stress. One can listen his favorite songs, watch movies. It will make one relief from stress. Dancing on your favorite song will bring anxiety out from your mind. It improves mental health and provides inner strength and satisfaction.

9. Practice making videos and writing blogs

There is a great opportunity to make videos on YouTube or write blogs online. This will make you do research and widen your knowledge. Not only this, it can bring fame and money to you. This will reduce stress and one will feel better.

10. Try to improve yourself

It is another way to reduce your stress. No one is perfect in this universe. Try to find the things one is lacking. At free time one can improve himself and feel satisfied. For example: person, who doesn’t know to drive, can learn driving at free time. Other examples are: swimming, dancing, shooting, guitar etc. also one can develop his hobbies.

Stress can’t be totally reduced in our life. Stress is pervasive in nature. One needs to manage the stress level through proper work life balance and other possible ways. A person who is mentally fit will able to do his work efficiently and effectively. It is really important to control the stress level.

By  Chandarkant Goyal


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